Sunday, December 29, 2019

Descriptive Information On Bipolar Disorder - 2423 Words

Bipolar Disorder For my research paper, I took the time to find descriptive information on Bipolar Disorder. It is often referred to as an manic-depressive illness. According to The National Institute of Mental Health definition, â€Å"Bipolar Disorder is a brain disorder causing irregular shifts in energy, moods, activity levels, and everyday functioning and completion of day to day tasks.† People diagnosed with bipolar disorder may go through periods of unusually intense emotion and changes. People can often have extreme mood swings such as emotional highs and lows also known as mania or hypomania. There are four basic types of bipolar disorder; bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, cyclothymic disorder, and other specified and unspecified bipolar and related disorders. With all of these stages, it is clear that there is a mood, energy, and activity level change. Bipolar I disorder is characterized by manic episodes lasting at least 7 days. It is very severe to a point where a person has to seek immediate attention from hospital care. In most cases, depressive episodes occur typically lasting at least 2 weeks. Bipolar II disorder is defined by depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes without long lasting frantic manic episodes. In a case study conducted by Clinical School, University of Cambridge UK, a 41-year-old self-employed patient, presented with eight year history of on and off depression and mood instability, and one year history of migraines andShow MoreRelatedBiography Of Emil Kraepelin s Theory Of Psychiatric Psychology1708 Words   |  7 Pagespsychology. This paper will discuss some of his greatest discoveries such as his establishment in clinical observation. As well as the importance that Emil Kraepelin had on the taxonomy of psychiatric disorders and how his idea for this came about. It will also review his findings on bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Kraepelin also founded some ideas on what later on came to be known as Alzheimer’s disease. Introduction Emil Kraepelin was a student under Wundt. Under Wundt KraepelinRead MoreThe Clinical And Social Implications Of Self Compassion1495 Words   |  6 Pagesself-compassion to overall emotional well-being. Still, few studies investigate self-compassion and emotion regulation while also accounting for race and ethnicity. Current literature examines different aspects of self-compassion and it relationship to mood disorders, psychological well-being, social connectedness, and self-esteem. These studies corroborate that self-compassion is an essential quality. 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Perpetual revision and increased medicalization of mental disorders also creates a dilemmaRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder2128 Words   |  9 PagesA dual diagnosis is when a person presents a severe mental illness like bipolar disorder with a substance use disorder (Halter Varcarolis, 2014). Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that can be characterized by either mania or hypomania and depressive episodes (Varcarolis, E, 2005). A manic episode is an elevated expansive or irritable mood lasting for at least 1 week. Hypomania episode is less severe than manic episode lasting for a duration of 4 days. A depressive episode has to be manifestedRead MoreCoping In Mental Health885 Words   |  4 Pagesstudy was conducted by Uren and Graham (2013), this explains the measures that impact caregiving on the caregivers; though, inadequate studies has defined the practice of caregiving using a qualitative research proposal. In this research, it used a descriptive, phenomenological system to decide how coping works as an essential source for qualified caregivers and skilled nurses in a comforting care scenery. There were eleven people taken from a community-based, palliative care organization in South AfricaRead MoreThe Goals Of Developmental Psychology1406 Words   |  6 Pagesthat can sculpts a person s life. There are many theories that are questioned in this field of work, so it is developme ntal scientist’s jobs to uncover these mysteries. One of the many ways some scientist will seeks these questions is by using descriptive research in order to describe a phenomenon. During a scientists developmental research there is a multitude of aspects that need to be put into consideration. Such things are age-related changes and stabilities. Ways such as cross-sectional, longitudinalRead MoreThe Stigma Of Mental Illness1599 Words   |  7 Pageswhich depend on a particular mental disorder. These symptoms do not allow the person to live a satisfactory life. They do not allow the person to work and independently achieve something in their life. And secondly, they are challenged by several stereotypes and prejudices, which gradually result in many misconceptions about mental illness known as â€Å"stigma†. Therefore, mental illness results not only in the difficulties arising from the symptoms of the disorder but also in the negative attitudes and

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How Do Diaspora Media Help Construct Meanings of Community...

As a result of the western colonizing movement of the 19th century, a massive diasporic movement of people across boundaries formed a unique group. This ongoing process of population movement and mass exodus, as well as the effects it caused drew attention to the academic world at both cultural and political levels. However, unlike the original residents, this diasporic shift demonstrated distinctive traits such as identity and an ideology which evidently differed from those of the natives. As Sreberny (2000. P179) argued: â€Å"Diaspora has become a key term in theorizing about immigration, ethnicity and identity† and exerted a considerable influence historically, culturally, socially and economically on developed capitalist societies.†¦show more content†¦Diaspora media, especially electronic media, with its facility of connection between locations, has successfully managed to improve the quality and speed of communication, as well as to shape its identity in loca l, national and transnational levels within a modern social context. Direct audio and visual experience allows audiences to get together and exchange opinions over a variety of topics such as languages, fashion, lifestyle, political viewpoints. This daily regular activity of sharing the same media has made people subconsciously advance the sense of belonging in a common unity (Anderson, 1983). From our living experiences, it is not hard to find out that there are so many resources of information to choose from, which means our world has been filled with media, and the diasporic space is no exception. Through all these media, people encode and decode information, accept and reject ideas, and (re)define (new) meanings of culture, community and identity. Electronic media shorten the distance between locations and helped dispersed people to share the culture of the same root, allow comparison, (re)construction of symbols, present and mediate meanings of Diasporas, localities, communitie s and identities. Therefore, â€Å"in media cultures social interaction and relations are no longer dependent on simultaneous spatial co-presence† (Lull, 2000. P97). Instead, they use symbols and direct visuality to carry the latter-day communal memories and offer new schedules forShow MoreRelatedThe Case Study Of Yee. 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Nuclear technologyRead MoreMens Rea The Writing Style and Feminism of Lakambini Sitoy7010 Words   |  29 PagesOther Stories; for the undergraduate or graduate student focusing on feminist literature, to examine their peers’ awareness of contemporary Filipino women writers as compared to foreign ones; and for cause-oriented groups or individuals, to explore how they can use literature by modern Philippine writers to advance causes such as feminism, anti-child trafficking, and other present-day social issues. RATIONALE In an article entitled, Two Wings of a Bird: The Equality of Women andRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesZora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Why Everyone Is Completely Mistaken About Immigrant Story Essay Samples Outline

Why Everyone Is Completely Mistaken About Immigrant Story Essay Samples Outline What Is So Fascinating About Immigrant Story Essay Samples Outline? The secondone is only to study a matter of immigration in its genesis so as to be prepared to discuss and debate upon the subject. A good deal of public controversy was sparked on the discourse of affirmative action, which is all about the discrimination of the immigrants at work. Explain what you did to address the issue and what you've learnt from the experience. The problem may be a scarcity of superior time to do your college essay because of academic workload or maybe you are in possession of a part-time job which has to be attended to on a daily basis. The Hidden Truth About Immigrant Story Essay Samples Outline Some individuals work 24 hours so as to have sufficient money for their rent and bills. We have to cover everything. Some folks even become sick because of working hard during the night and day. The issue is, they don't take attendance each day. Over the last decades, the movement of illegal settlers in the United States of america has been a severe matter. Despite how various laws are enacted to cope with the immigration difficulties, there are nonetheless some problems that ought to be looked unto because of the various opinions that those individuals living within the USA of America have. An individual might argue that the immigrants are people after all and that they ought to not be discriminated against even should they come illegally into the nation. Being an immigrant to the usa is not simple. These pros of illegal immigrants become overshadowed by the costs they bring to the nation. There are a lot of explanations for why folks migrate to other nations. For immigrants it's not simple to adopt the culture and the manner that individuals behave. As for each nation, the most suitable choice is to offer jobs solely for their countrymen. There's been a public outcry over affirmative action that's the discrimination of immigrants at their workplace. There has to be a body of authorities who'd monitor the illegal immigrants in a nation. Many people have a tendency to think that eradicating illegal immigration is impossible and that it cannot get the job done. Aside from that, there's been plenty of prosecutions regarding illegal immigration over the previous few decades. The stories written by our writers aren't only precise and clear, but give a very clear view of the whole story in a short period of time. This is largely due to the meaningful moral contents at the conclusion of particular stories. Meursault, in this scene, functions as an observer. It is necessary to know the key facets that could make the entire story more precise and clear. The Foolproof Immigrant Story Essay Samples Outline Strategy This illegal immigration argumentative essay looks at a few of the issues this phenomenon has on a nation. If you would like some more information regarding the immigration essay or you want one essay that's right for you, then it is possible to order one for you from this site. How To Write an Effective Paragraph A prosperous paragraph is more than merely a selection of sentences associated with the exact same topic. Immigration is a controversial subject that is seldom from the news. It's indeed practical to work abroad, especially if it's the case that you do not observe any improvement in your nation's financial landscape. The truth, nevertheless, is that high grades in most of them don't arrive so easily. As a consequence the humanity gets a financial growth. Just a couple of steps are involved. For example, short forms and colloquial English shouldn't be used. Class teachers play a crucial part within this instance. The Basics of Immigrant Story Essay Samples Outline Folks that are legitimately attempting to enter the country to find work and enhance their lives make the vast majority of foreigners moving abroad for good, but additionally, there are a tiny minority of folks who try to make the most of things like the welfare state of Britain or the other developed nations, for example, or who have even more sinister intentions. 2 Some men and women complain they don't have any free moment. Immigration does not need to be the bad man's escape in the event the government provides enough jobs for everybody. In the very first place, there's a fantastic problem of illegal. Employers hire immigrants due to the fact that they work longer hours for less money since they accept any offer so long as they get paid. But then again, it won't be easy.